Power MOVE Registration
Regular tuition for our Power MOVE: Become a Successful Full-Time Entrepreneur Online program is $3,000. This includes the training, all of the necessary materials and our funding acquisition program where we assist you with acquiring the funds for your business. We have multiple funding programs that range from business loans, business lines of credit, and even those where personal credit score is not necessary.
Below are the tuition options you may use for what's most suitable for you.
Regular tuition for our Power MOVE: Become a Successful Full-Time Entrepreneur Online program is $3,000. This includes the training, all of the necessary materials and our funding acquisition program where we assist you with acquiring the funds for your business. We have multiple funding programs that range from business loans, business lines of credit, and even those where personal credit score is not necessary.
Below are the tuition options you may use for what's most suitable for you.